Anyways, onto what I actually thought of the book itself.. If you have not read the first two books, I would highly recommend you do that first! You can read what I have to say on the first two here.
Of course, I'm going to start off with, I was SOOOO happy that they did finally end up together. I really liked that Kiera Cass took her time getting them fully together and then threw in a little rift between Maxon and America at the very end to get you to think, dang maybe they won't end up together? I really enjoyed how she even made me like Celeste and feel bad when (SPOILER) she gets killed in the end. Another thing that I liked about the book was that America stayed true to her roots until the very end. She fought for Aspen as a friend, and she stayed humble throughout the whole experience, not letting it change her for the worse.
Even though, overall I was happy with the ending, I feel that Ms. Cass could have done a little more with the rebel piece. The Southern rebels are mentioned, and attack the palace a few times, but they never really come into play after two appearances. The Northern Rebels are the only ones that we grow to know and it's only their explanation of the Southern rebels that we get. I really enjoyed that Maxon and American were sneaking around trying to help the Northern Rebels and change the way that the country is run. I also liked that we got to know more about Maxon and the way he worked, but the book wrapped up a little too quickly. Overall, it's a great, quick read and I really enjoyed it! It's not your typical fairy tale story about a girl coming into the royal family and falling in love with a prince, it runs deeper than that.
In case you get confused on who all of the Selected girls are, Kiera Cass has included a list on her website! Find it here. She has also announced a new novella called "The Queen" which will take us back to Queen Amberley's selection time. Read about it on Ms. Cass's website here.
Want to own it? Here it is on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
(Copyright, Kiera Cass 2014)
Quick Review:
Title: The One (Selection Book 3)
Author: Kiera Cass
Pages: 217 (ebook)
Recommended for: Young adult girls
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